Federighi-Marsico-Viale - Macallè Blues

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September 15th, 2015: Located in the suggestive frame of Villa Gropella's garden in Valenza Po (Italy) the concert-reading we have assisted finds position in the amplest and, by now, decennial review Parole e Musica in Monferrato, artistically directed by Enrico Deregibus.
The event, denominated "New York cantata dal Jazz" and organized with the collaboration of the local 'Amici del Jazz' association has seen as protagonists, the writer, musician and singer-songwriter himself Luciano Federighi as narrating voice, the young singer Sabrina Oggero Viale and Hammond master Alberto Marsico. This original, poetic trip among the verses of the songs dedicated to New York, from the beginning of the last century up to our days, (delicious, in the end, the pop digression on the famous Billy Joel's hit New York State of Mind) has magistrally been led by the participated narration of Luciano Federighi. Almost like a trip on a Grayhound bus, sitting by the window, between the districts of the Big Apple, just like a mystery investigated in the shadiest meander radiant destination or like a dream of retaliation flow, along with the pictures of those times, the evocative images of the songs, interpreted by the crystalline voice of Sabrina Oggero Viale. Young and able singer, in this context of intimate, naked brittleness or playful, happy-go-lucky lightness, reveals a mature mastery of her instruments and a precise, secure intonation and, in addition to that, an interpretative sensibility that digs the text and returns its essence with personality. Sometimes on the background in the spoken numbers or protagonist in the songs, that's the Hammond of Alberto Marsico. Thoughtful and persuasive as well as roaring and fleshy when it's time to make it to a more torrid and bluesy atmosphere, it interprets its role of corpulent instruments with a detaching and versatile personality. Uproarious and amusing, then, has been the end of the show on the notes and the words of Goin' to New York. G.R.

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