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Who we are...
...or better it would have been perhaps to write "Who I am".
Last survivor of the native nucleus of the organizers of the Macallè Blues Festival, me, Giovanni Robino, inventor and administrator of this site.
To tell the truth, among the others lost to various title along the street, still survives, in his own special way, also Fausto Montanari, owner of the homonym theatre the blues festival has lived its life in and without who the festival would surely have had well more difficult and uncertain natives. Montanari, today situated retired, is almost entirely devoted by now to his primitive passion: the cinema.
Therefore, to try to keep on keeping the flame of this experience burning, that for a long time has cemented existences on both sides of the stage, it is my turn; and I do it well gladly, hoping that this site will be able, there out, to ri-arouse the interest that the festival, at the time, has known how to arouse.
The inventor and administrator of this site