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What is Macallè Blues...
Macallè Blues is a website all about blues music and, in general, about musical culture, althouth the word "culture" may sound, for sure, excessively pretentious. Considering that this site is a voluntary initiative of individual management, it will be updated without regularity but only according to the time and the desire available. The judgments and the considerations expressed and contained exclusively represent nothing more than my personal thoughts in subject.
What is not Macallè Blues...
Macallè Blues is not a journalistic, publishing, neither propagandist site. Although I maintain my friendships in the business, all born and grown in twenty years and more of activity, the present site is not expression neither it is particularly tied up to any specific artist, record label, publisher, manufacturing as to any venue or artistic agency, both foreign or Italian. And, in this musical field, it doesn't represent any line of critical thought and interpretation, less that never of "orthodox" nature.
That's the way it is, according to me.